This is day two of my Twelve days of Christmas Crafts. Today I made Christmas lumbar pillows for my dining chairs.I bought these dining chairs just a week before Thanksgiving from a Craigslist seller. They’re vintage Drexel and are super solid, super comfy and I love them. The color of the wood is not perfect, but its factory finish and in really good condition. I love the velvet on the seats and backs. Eventually I’d like to reupholster them in a deep navy or something like that, but for now they’re fine. So to make them feel more integrated to my room I made these cute little red lumbar pillows with white welt.
This tutorial will be somewhat abbreviated because I’ve done more than one pillow making tutorial here and here, which include videos, so if you want more detail check those posts. The materials are pretty simple. Fabric for the pillow(I used this linen from, fabric for the welt and the welt cord itself(5/32 size), a zipper and some stuffing. I used batting I had left over from another project.
I measured my chair and made the pillow to fit my chair width perfectly.First I sew the welt onto one side of the pillow fabric.
I put in the zipper, sandwiched the welt and zipper between the two sides of fabric and sewed all the way around the pillow.
When I stuffed the pillows, I didn’t overfill them because I want them to be slim, so when you sit in the chair they’re just a hint of lumbar support. You don’t have to adjust the pillow or move it out of the way to sit in the chair(know what I mean?).
They’re just the perfect size, and I love that they kinda make the green chairs feel “on purpose”. At least for Christmas.
So that wraps up day two of my 12 Days of Christmas Crafts post. If you want to see more detail on how to make a zippered pillow check my previous post here.
Also, check back tomorrow for my third days project…I’m making mini wreaths for the backs of my chairs.
Does lumbar come from the name Lombardo which means “supportive husband” ?