Even though my closet project is at a standstill I can’t help thinking about the rest of my bedroom makeover. My next priority is paint color for the cabinets and walls but I’m afraid to completely commit until I determine what color fabric will don my headboard. For certain I’m going to make a wingback style headboard very similar to the picture.

I would love to find an affordable velvet in a brilliant color. Ha! Emerald green or turquoise or even a mustard yellow.

Either of these green options I would be over the moon about. Both pictures have a grey compliment very similar to the color I already have on my bedroom walls. I would go with a little deeper grey however.

I think this mustard color would be a strong choice because I’m thinking of using a deep high gloss teal on the closet cabinet like this…

One thing always leads to another. I’m in a holding pattern now because I need to have an electrical outlet installed in the closet cabinet so I can power my library lights above each unit and eventually a TV.

So I’m off to the fabric store to see what jumps out at me, and then the paint store for some samples. I think i’ll actually put some swatches on the walls and cabinet to be sure of the color this time. In my own home I tend to just buy the paint and go for it, I think because I’ve used so many colors previously I know what works.
What do you think? Crazy town colors or what?
I can hardly wait!