My front porch is very neglected. We always use the garage door to come and go, so I pretty much ignore the front entrance to our house unless I know someone’s coming over. Then I shew our two cats and give it a sweep, but that’s about it.
It had orange 6″ x 6″ tile that looked like standard restaurant kitchen tile. Not pretty. I’ve debated about what to do with the ugly tile since we bought the house 8 years ago. I even started collecting some nice tumbled travertine because my neighbor had leftovers from a project. But after glimpsing all the lovely cement tile all over the web and in stores I decided to DIY a faux version. It cost practically nothing and the transformation was quick.
I started by priming the whole thing with a shellac based primer(the only primer that works for Ikea melamine furniture, btw). I know because I’ve painted tons of IKEA furniture with this, and with other primers and shellac is the only primer that sticks.
I’ve also used this shellac primer to paint the tile surrounding the bath tub in my kids’ bathroom and it has stood the test of three kids for eight years now. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long and I still haven’t changed it. That was supposed to be a temporary fix. Oh well….
I painted each tile individually because I wanted the grout to remain grey and semi-aged. More authentic looking. It was a little tedious. I tried a few different tools and the 4″ sponge roller was by far the fastest and easiest method. With the roller fairly dry I was able to roll each tile without having to cut-in around the edge of each one. I rolled fairly lightly.
Then I did the same process with Behr Ultra(paint and primer in one). It was left over from my master bedroom walls. The color is called Graphite Pencil.
I taped the stencil down on each square and used a flat stencil brush to dry brush the paint on. Next time I would definitely cut my stencil to cover four or more tiles at once so I could stencil multiple tiles without moving the stencil. Like my mom always said…you live and learn, and sometimes you just live.
I love the way it turned out! I just hope the shellac primer does its job and sticks. We’ll see how long it lasts. Now I need to paint my house. I intended to paint the brick after I replace the front windows and so far I’ve only replaced my two workroom windows. So it’s about time I just go ahead and paint.
Next up,
- New lights
- New greeting…either painted on like the previous “welcome” , or possibly purchase a sticker from etsy.
- landscape tweeking leading to the front door(at least some new mulch).
What do you think? I think it actually looks authentic.